Saturday, September 17, 2016

M.A.T.H. Program and Workshop Rotations

I've been using this program I call M.A.T.H. for about a year now and would like to let you know all about it just in case you're interested in using any of the aspects in your own classroom!

I am a big "Google-er" and spent much of my time searching for other math programs out there already in place and tested by the experts.  I took the pieces of each program that I really found beneficial for my students and intertwined them to become this one hunky program in my own room.  It has worked wonders for my kids.  They are now devoted deep thinkers, persevering problem solvers, kind and considerate collaborators, and best of all--mathematicians! 

This program is a little bit of Guided Math, The Daily 3, and Pinterest/Blog ideas all poured into one.  I am not selling anything for this program because most of it is already made for us!  I did all of the searching and trial and error on my own students.  This way, you just get the good stuff and are able to get started right away with the resources I’ve found or created along the way….Lucky you!
So to best explain it all, I have two resources.  One is a Symbaloo Webmix with all of the resources and links and the other is a video PowerPoint presentation my school's STAT Teacher and I gave to Baltimore County during the STAT Institute last summer. 

I have provided our Symbaloo with all of the resources in one place.  I provided access to all of my 4th grade math files, websites I love to use, the presentations, and a way for you to introduce it to your school at a Professional Development session (thank you to my school’s fabulous STAT Teacher—Megan H.).  That section focuses in on the Learner Centered Environment and how this program really embraces that teaching and learning style.

Our presentation resources are located on the left and the center of the Symbaloo page.  The right side contains resources from another BCPS Teacher who presented on the West Side during the same conference.

Feel free to ask any questions or leave any concerns you have so I can help you get started with this amazing program right away!  If you have any additional resources you would like to share, please add them in the comment section.

Here is the OfficeMix video I created today using the PowerPoint presentation on just the M.A.T.H. Program and rotations with small group.  Please contact Megan or myself if you would like more information on the Learner Centered Environment section of the presentation!

The beginning of M.A.T.H. this year:

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