Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Reviewing Unit 2: Multiplication with Engaging QR Codes

Trying to think of fun and creative ways to review for a math test can be tough!  With the help of my school's Library Media Specialist, I created an activity that gets the kids up and moving, working on their math strategies and skills, and engaged in an end goal!

I taped the 20 posters around the room for the kids.  Each student got a recording sheet where they were required to show their work and write in their letter clues.  There are 20 posters with 20 different problems.  Students moved around in small groups or independently in random order.  They were to start at any poster and go to a free poster once they were ready to move on.  They problem solved together and checked their work with the QR code which provided them with the answer and a letter clue.

They loved it!  My kids couldn't get enough.  They were fully engaged the entire time, encouraging each other positively, and checking their work to ensure their answer matched the QR answer.  By providing them with the answer, they were able to guide their math problem solving if they were incorrect in the first place.

The secret message had to do with our previous science unit.  Once the students unscrambled the message, they handed their review sheets in so I could look at their math work.  They came to conference with me about what problems gave them trouble, questions they had about their math, and to get their recording sheets checked.

If you're interested in using this method of reviewing multiplication in 4th grade, click below to download it for free!